Thursday, 27 August 2015


                        Common Misconceptions Concerning Prayer
God has given us the power through prayer to get what we want for ourselves, regardless of what He wants. Consequently, we speak of "power in prayer", and/or "a great force is unleashed in prayer!" These are two examples of Pelagian error. As Christians, we are not to try to impose our will upon God. The idea of "binding God" is blasphemous.
Prayer of painless piety asks God to do something for us that costs the prayer nothing. It is praying for the hungry when the prayer, rather than God, is the one who should do the feeding.
I need to participate in the provision of food for the hungry, if I am going to pray for them. It is helping the missionary financially and in other ways, if I am going to pray for their success. It is perhaps going to Russia and endeavoring to convert Russia, or doing something that costs me if I am going to pray for Russians. A little son of a very wealthy man heard his father daily pray for the needs of a neighbor who had little. One day, after such a prayer, the little lad said, "Daddy, you could answer that prayer if you wanted to."
Prayer is a kind of magical process by which we manipulate God and get things. I remember my daughter when she was approximately seven or eight years of age wanting a bike that was being given away at a drawing in a local clothing store. She was going to put in an appearance at that store and be ready for the drawing to bring her name from the basket. Before she left, she wrote a little prayer pertaining to her getting the bike and put it in her pocket. She referred to it as magical. The magic didn't work, however, and her brother who couldn't have cared less won the bike. We need to remember that the statement "all things for which you pray and ask, believe" simply tells us that God is able to do all things. There is nothing we need to withhold asking for, thinking that He is not able.
Prayer is merely "autosuggestion" (believing that thinking about something will make it happen) and this explains how answers seem to come. This idea is ridiculous. Believing in autosuggestion is as much as to say that God does not answer prayer, or that He does not even exist. Only an atheist would suggest that there is not another person at the end of the line who hears and
Answers to prayer come at once, or they don't come at all. This is simply not true. God may not answer all at once but in installments. After all, it is He Who knows our needs best. Only He can determine "how" and "when" needs need to be met.
Life Application
Begin to get your prayer life organized. Begin a prayer journal. Develop "prayer" pages for immediate and permanent prayer requests.

Read: Meditative Prayer by Richard Foster, InterVarsity Press, 1983 or How to Get Results Through Prayer by Jerry Bridges, NavPress, 1975.

Thank you for your time with us.......

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Image result for PRAYER
                            How Would You Rate Your Prayer Life?
Answer each of the following questions, and give yourself a score of 4 for "always", 3 for "often", 2 for "sometimes", 1 for “seldom”, and 0 for “never”.
_______________ 1. Do you set aside time for prayer in private every day?
_______________ 2. Are you able to keep your thoughts from wandering to other matters when you pray?
_______________ 3. Do you make yourself get up promptly in the morning in order not to neglect prayer?
_______________ 4. In public prayer are you able to forget the people present and make real contact with God?
_______________ 5. Do you always approach the Father through Jesus' name? Ephesians 3:12
_______________ 6. Do you diligently watch for and record answers to your prayers?
_______________ 7. After receiving an answer to prayer, do you fulfill any promises you made to God?
_______________ 8. When you pray in public do you resist the temptation to orate?
_______________ 9. Do you share with others when you receive definite answers to prayer?
______________ 10. Do you have a prayer list?
______________ 11. Do you wake up in the morning with a definite prayer in your heart and on your lips?
______________ 12. When others are praying, are you courteous and reverent, praying silently with them?
______________ 13. Are you willing to be the instrument by which God answers your prayers?
______________ 14. Do you keep your promises to missionaries and others who ask your prayer help?
______________ 15. In sickness or trouble of any nature is prayer your first thought?
______________ 16. In saying grace at the table do you avoid mechanical statements and really thank Him?
______________ 17. Do you remember to pray regularly, as God commanded, for our government?
______________ 18. When you instruct others in praying do you teach them to talk to God?
______________ 19. Are you free to incorporate Scriptural expressions in your prayer?
______________ 20. Do you refuse to use your public prayer to instruct or attack others?
______________ 21. Are you so in earnest about your requests that you come to God again and again with them?
______________ 22. Is your most fervent prayer all the time prayer for the salvation of the lost and the welfare of fellow Christians?
______________ 23. Do you really fight the interruptions that would keep you from praying?
______________ 24. Do you utilize prayer as a means of resisting temptation?
______________ 25. When you pray, do you honestly seek the glory of God?
________________ Total points

If you score 100, you have a rather outstanding prayer life. If not more than 50, put yourself at the top of your prayer list.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015




Certain Conditions for Successful Prayer
1. Confessing and forsaking sin, Psalm 66:18; 1 John 1:9
2. A forgiving spirit, Mark 11:25
3. A spiritual motive, James 4:3
4. Obedience as a general rule of life, 1 John 3:22
5. Faith that we will receive what we ask for, Mark 11:24
6. Prayer according to the will of God, 1 John 5:14
7. Prayer in the Name of Jesus, John 16:23
8. Persistence—not giving up, Luke 11
9. Open ears to the cry of the poor, Proverbs 21:13
10. Right family relationships, 1 Peter 3:1-7
11. Doing it—praying—"Men ought always to pray and not to faint." Luke 18:1
The Holy Spirit has an active part in our prayer life and encourages us to know how to pray,Romans 8:26-27.
Our Father answers every prayer we offer in the way of a request. He says "yes", "no", or "wait a while".

This is a session that summarizes the topic of prayer and praying as it occurs in the teaching of the Scripture. It's not exhaustive by any means. But it is enough of a basis to give adequate information so that you or any young Christian can begin an active prayer life.
Prayer is essential if we are to enjoy fellowship and communion with the Master. It does not make me more spiritual. The reasons people pray are varied and sometimes are not according to the will of the Father and His Son.
Three Kinds of Prayer
We usually want to spend time with those we love. There is joy in talking with them and hearing them speak. This type of prayer is called communion. Write in your own words what you feel this is in your own life in relation to your Heavenly Father!
This can be accomplished through reading, praying and meditating on the words of Scripture. I can ask Him to make real for me the things that I read, as I read. Or I can be away in a private place just because I want to spend time with Him alone. It may be in public. It may be an open or closed eye approach. Whatever it is, it involves simply _______________ with Him. It may involve loving Him and telling Him how we feel about Him, listening for Him to speak to us, or thanking and praising Him for what He has done and who He is, Philippians 4:6, 1Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 100:4.
The second kind of prayer is petition. Petition is asking for things and sometimes for people. In this light, it is different from____________________ which is simply having fellowship with God. Petition is asking for our needs or for the needs of others. Matthew 21:22 says, "If we believe we will _____________.” Sometimes I will ask for others. When I offer a petition for another, I stand beside the person for whom I am asking. We needn't be afraid of our Father’s lack of concern about things that may appear to be little to Him. God is interested in our needs irrespective of how trivial they seem to be. When I ask for these kinds of things, I am usually praying a prayer that is a _______________.
The third kind of praying is intercession. Intercession at times can be more intense than petition. It also involves being in a different position. When I offer a petition, I stand beside another. When I intercede, I am usually in between the person, for whom I am praying, and the Father. Moses’ prayer is an example of intercession when he prayed that God would not destroy Israel. But if God chose to, he asked to be taken also. Intercession was illustrated by Paul who said what concerning Israel, Romans 9:3?
Intercession was involved in the prayers of George Mueller, when he sought God’s provisions for the orphans he served. Read the accounts of the prayer life of Harry Ironsides, Oswald Chambers, Amy Carmichael and other more contemporary saints.
Certain Conditions for Successful Prayer
People frequently say that prayer for them seems to be a failure. Somehow they don't connect with God, or what they are asking for isn't on the Father's agenda for them. There doesn't seem to be any value in prayer.
The Scripture outlines conditions for a successful and fulfilling life of prayer. The remainder of this study will involve looking at conditions for a prayer life that is meaningful and successful.
Perhaps the greatest hindrance to an active prayer life is inactivity—simply not praying. We are commanded in the Scriptures to pray. See 1 Thessalonians 5:17. What does this mean?

I need seriously to ask myself if I have honestly tried to allocate time in my busy schedule to approach my heavenly Father on a regular and scheduled basis.

The teachings continues.....................................

Monday, 10 August 2015

                                                 A JOURNEY WITH MY STEP-MUM

                                                                   EPISODE TWO

I realized once she is my dad’s wife we had no choice than to call her mum.
I woke up late the next morning because I was not having lectures. Jessica had an early lecture so she left house very early. Dad had also gone for work. I entered the cleaning room to brush. I saw Susan in the kitchen washing the dishes.

I approached her and greeted softly with arrogance...
Me: Good morning mum.
Susan: Good morning Albert. I can see you not comfortable with calling me mum, she said gently and smiled. I would be happy if you call me Susan.
Me: oohh!! Am comfortable with that, besides you my step mother now.
We laughed together and I went back to my room. Susan is really good looking I must confess again. The way her eye balls were rolling as we were having the chat really drove me crazy. I imagined her to be my girlfriend not a step mother.
I came back to the living room to watch this funny "lil wayne" movie. In fact my ambition was actually to chat with Susan to know more about her as my step mother. Within 34minutes, she was done with her kitchen work and joined me in the hall. She was attracted to the movie.
Susan: Hey Albert how old are you. And can you tell me more about yourself. Am your step mother now (she gave a smile).
Me: (smiled back), Am 23, now in legon level 100. I guess dad have told you more than these.
Susan: of course. I just wanted you to tell me more. Anyway, you such a handsome guy.
Her shaking lips drove my attention to check her smooth legs in her short "nika".
Me: thank you mum. You such a beautiful young lady too. I wonder how you are the wife of a man like my dad I must confess.
Susan: hahaha……..I knew you wanted to ask this the first time I entered the house. Well it seems crazy but I just love your dad. He is such a responsible man. I hope you appreciate me as a step mum. Am just 25 and I know it will be hard to accept that? She giggled.
Me: no problem about that. Is nice meeting you and enjoy your stay.

I left for town to visit a friend. I came to the house later in the evening around 5:47pm Jessica was already in the house. Susan had prepared rice and some stew but I was not feeling for rice that day. I wanted to take pizza. I asked Jessica to escort me to "is my kitchen restaurant" to get pizza. Dad was in his room with Susan so we gave him a call that we were going out.
Jessica and I drove to get the pizza. We got back in an hour time.
She couldn't eat much because she had already taken in some rice.

We sat in the sofa and watched some documentary. Jessica and I talked a little about Susan. We both got to like her except she was too young.
We sat in the hall till it was 9pm. Jessica was dozing off so she left to her room. I stayed till it was around 10:15pm before I decided to go to my room. As I walk pass my dad’s room, I heard a slow panting voice. This meant, the old man and the young lady likely to be his daughter were not asleep. What could they be doing? I asked myself. I got attracted to it so I walked close to have a clear picture about what was going on. I couldn't help the pressure than to run back to my room.

I picked up my phone at once to call one girl on campus I just proposed to but she never picked the call. Hmmm I didn't know how I slept till the next day....

THE STORY CONTINUES........................

Saturday, 8 August 2015


Image result for english premier league teams

                     2015–16 Premier League

The 2015–16 Premier League will be the 24th season of the Premier League, the top English professional league for association football clubs, since its establishment in 1992. The fixtures were announced on 17 June 2015. The season is scheduled to start today, 8 August 2015, and will conclude on 15 May 2016.
Chelsea will come into the season as defending champions of the 2014 –15 seasonBournemouthWatford, andNorwich City will enter as the three promoted teams.
You can join in the on going polls, as we ascertain from the general public who wins this years #EPL
MAY THE BEST TEAM WIN................................



Image result for prayer
This week and the subsequent weeks to come, Aboagye Writes will take you through a discussion on what you need to know about prayer. Continue to make a date with us as we take you through. Your suggestions and comments are highly welcomed.

lets start......................

Purpose: To help the  you understand the place of prayer in a life that is lived in communion with God.

1. You will gain an understanding of three kinds of prayer.
2. You  will review the conditions for successful prayer.
3. You will be able to better organize his prayer life.
4. You will rate his prayer life.
5. You will understand common misconceptions concerning prayer.
Scripture Memory
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

This is a session that summarizes the importance of prayer in the Bible. Prayer is essential in completing communion and fellowship with the Father that I need in the Christian life. It is not something that makes me more spiritual. It is, however, a means of interacting with our heavenly Father, a means of ministry and support of others, and a means of receiving in relation to our need.
Three Basic Kinds of Prayer
The first is communion. This involves reading the Scriptures and hearing God speak to us and speaking to Him in return. It can be away in a private place or in public. It may be with open or closed eyes, whichever seems natural. It includes thanksgiving and praise.
The second kind of prayer is petition. Petition is asking the Father for things that we need. It can be in regard to everyday needs or larger needs. There is often the feeling that the Father is not to be bothered by very personal things in our lives. But we can be assured that He is interested in whatever our need is.
Intercession is the third way to pray. This is different from petition in that one is speaking to God on behalf of others and putting one’s self between people and the Father. Moses was interceding when He asked God to not destroy Israel—but if He did, to blot him out. It was intercession when John Knox cried, "Give me Scotland or I'll die". Intercession is probably more intense than petition, although not always.

The teachings continues.................


In this time of  global pandemic, let us all pray to out our maker. In the period of lockdown enjoy your moment with this seasoned song ...